Anuntul INTRAROM cu privire la opinia comuna a Consiliului Concurentei si ANAP din data de 26.08.2020

Comunicat de presa
Luni, 07 Septembrie 2020, ora 15:06
5918 citiri

Bucuresti, Romania - 07 septembrie 2020 - Ca urmare a articolelor din presa din data de 28.08.2020 conform carora INTRAROM a fost inclusa in mod arbitrar pe "lista neagra" a agentilor economici implicati in investigatii privind licitatii, intocmita de Consiliul Concurentei si ANAP, INTRAROM un furnizor roman de solutii si sisteme ITC, cu 27 de ani de experienta pe piata din Romania, 370 de angajati si exportand echipamentele sale in peste 75 de tari la nivel mondial, trebuie sa clarifice urmatoarele:

* Companiei INTRAROM nu i s-a interzis sa participe la proceduri pentru atribuirea contractelor de achizitii publice;

* INTRAROM este asociata in mod gresit cu ideea de "vinovatie dovedita", intrucat acuzatiile de incalcare a regulilor concurentei aduse impotriva sa cu peste 3 ani in urma de catre Consiliul Concurentei nu au niciun fundament legal, acest lucru fiind contestat in instanta si nu exista nicio hotarare judecatoreasca definitiva in acest sens;

* INTRAROM a solicitat deja scoaterea numelui sau de pe "lista neagra" si subliniaza ca aceasta lista a fost elaborata in baza unor informatii inexacte/neactualizate.

Avand o cultura si principii precum onestitatea, echitatea si transparenta, INTRAROM se dedica si sustine eforturile guvernului de a promova respectarea deplina a tuturor prevederilor legale aplicabile in randul angajatilor si asociatilor sai, ca o exprimare a angajamentului sau de a asigura respectarea tuturor legilor si reglementarilor aplicabile puse in aplicare pentru combaterea mitei, concurentei neloiale si coruptiei


INTRAROM's Announcement regarding the Competition Council and ANAP Joint Opinion dated 26.08.2020

Bucharest, Romania - 07 September 2020 - Following the published press articles dated on 28.08.2020, according to which INTRAROM was arbitrary included in the "blacklist" of economic agents that are involved in investigations on tenders, drawn by the Competition Council and ANAP, INTRAROM a Romanian ICT systems and solutions leading provider, having 27 years of existence in the Romanian market and over 370 employees and exporting its equipment to more than 75 countries worldwide, the Company has the responsibility to clarify the following:

* INTRAROM has not been banned from participating in procedures for the award of public procurement agreements;

* INTRAROM is mistakenly associated with the idea of "proven guilt", as the accusations of breaching the competition rules brought to it more than 3 years ago by the Competition Council do not have any legal ground this have been challenged at the court, and there is no final court decision with this respect;

* INTRAROM has already requested the removal of its name from this "blacklist" and underscores that this list was compiled based on inaccurate/outdated information.

INTRAROM having its culture and principles, which are honesty, fairness and transparency, is dedicated, and will support all government' efforts, in promoting full compliance and respect of all relevant legal provisions, among its employees and stakeholders, as an expression of its commitment to ensuring the conformity with all applicable laws and regulations enacted to combat bribery, unfair competition and corruption.



Intrarom, a subsidiary of Intracom Telecom, has constantly consolidated its position as major vendor on the Romanian Telecommunications Market. The company employs 370 professionals on an industrial area of 33,000 sq.m. Sustained by a solid multimillion investment infrastructure, Intrarom's experience covers the following lines of business: turn-key solutions for telcos, integrated IT&C solutions for Public Sector, tailor-made applications for enterprise, utilities and banking sector, multi-vendor support and field maintenance, and telecommunication systems manufacturing. For more information, please visit

Press Relations: Magda Mischie:; 0212040960

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#Consiliul Concurentei, #ANAP, #Intrarom , #investigatii