Business Focus: Antreprenoriatul: Profesie vs Vocație

Cum ar arata in prezent personalitati ale trecutului? Nu i-ai recunoaste pe Nefertiti, Mona Lisa sau Gingis Han (Galerie foto)

Duminica, 10 Mai 2020, ora 14:43
17901 citiri
Cum ar arata in prezent personalitati ale trecutului? Nu i-ai recunoaste pe Nefertiti, Mona Lisa sau Gingis Han (Galerie foto)
Foto: Arhiva/Pixabay

In ultimii ani, chipurile mai multor personalitati ale trecutului au fost reconstruite partial si aflam din ce in ce mai multe detalii despre infatisarea lor.

O artista a mers mai departe - folosind informatiile existente si studiile realizate pana in prezent, a recreat infatisarea unor personalitati precum Abraham Lincoln, dar si a unor regine sau regi, asa cum sunt Nefertiti sau Tutankamon, facandu-i sa para oameni care ar trai in aceste vremuri moderne.

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The Patreon pollsters have selected King Tut as the next subject! I know this is a little different than my usual post. This time, I've been given permission to use this recreation by the forensic artist (& my idol) Elisabeth Daynes (@atelier_daynes). This recreation of King Tut has long been my favorite, and was created in 2005 when 2 teams were tasked with recreating what King Tut may have looked like. It shows some of the features that may have been the result of inbreeding, such as the overbite and weak chin. I realize that the hard work here has been done for me by Daynes, but I wanted to bring him into the modern day. Hope you enjoy. . . If you would like to support my work you can do so by joining the Patreon and gaining exclusive perks like seeing posts a week before they are posted here, seeing some of my greatest failures, and watching creation videos. ( or I have a "Tip Jar" here at www.paypalme/royaltynow. This work costs money to create, so any help is much appreciated ❤️ . Left Image: © reconstruction Elisabeth Daynes, Right Image pieces: iStock Photo &

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Inlusiv chipul Giocondei a fost updatat sau al fondatorului Imperiului Mongol, Gingis Han, arata IFL Science.

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Here we are with Genghis Khan, one of the most fascinating rulers in history and the founder of the Mongol Empire. Genghis was also responsible for millions of deaths. This was one that was requested many times over the past week. This is the only portrait of Genghis Khan that was supervised by someone who knew what he looked like - his grandson Khubilai Khan. There are no contemporary portraits of him. Similar to the depiction of Cleopatra, there are differing descriptions on what his coloring was. Some claimed he had red hair and green eyes, others claimed he had features very similar to East Asian populations today. I have to admit - this one challenged me and stretched my skills. This was the oldest and most stylized portrait I've ever worked from. Let me know what you think in the comments below! . If you're interested in a time lapse video of how I created this piece, keep an eye out for my Patreon launch announcement coming this week! 👑 . Left Portrait: Public Domain, Right Portrait base: . #GenghisKhan #MongolEmperor #MongolEmpire #Mongols #Photoshop #RoyalFamily #History #Khubilai Khan#Royalty #EuropeanArt #EuropeanHistory #AsianArt #AsianArtHistory #Drawing #GraphicDesign #HistoryMemes #Portrait #ArtRestoration #DigitalArt #ArtOnInstagram #HistoryNerd

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Cea care a reusit aceste performante este Becca Saladin, in varsta de 29 de ani.

Proiectul nu este unul realizat peste noapte, in spate fiind ani de munca.

Desi a inceput mai mult ca o gluma, s-a transformat in ceva serios, numai docmentarea durand foarte mult. Colectia realizata insa de tanara a devenit viral, avand fani din toata lumea.

Citeste si Nefertiti, departe de a fi o frumusete - avea nasul coroiat si riduri


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#cum arata Nefertiti, #chipuri personalitati istorie, #chip Tutankamon reconstruit , #inedit