Intrarom finalizeaza cu succes un contract de contorizare inteligenta pentru Distributie Energie Oltenia

Comunicat de presa

Vineri, 11 Septembrie 2020, ora 14:37

8854 citiri

Bucharest, Romania - 8 September - Intrarom, subsidiara din Romania a Intracom Telecom Group, a finalizat in data de 18 august 2020, un contract pilot cu Distributie Energie Oltenia, din cadrul CEZ Romania, operator de energie electrica ce acopera sapte judete din regiunea Oltenia.

Contractul a constat in furnizarea si instalarea unui subsistem de masurare si transmitere a informatiei de la contoare inteligente mono si trifazate (SMT), concentratoare date, precum si instalarea si punerea in functiune a acestui sistem.

Proiectul este parte integranta din strategia CEZ Group de a investi in modernizarea sistemului de masurare a energiei electrice, proces ce implica inlocuirea contoarelor de electricitate ale clientilor din zonele mentionate anterior cu contoare inteligente, ce vor fi incluse intr-un sistem de contorizare inteligenta.

Mai exact, prin intermediul acest proiect pilot s-au furnizat 10.000 de contoare inteligente, filtre si concentratoare de date si servicii de instalare, configurare si integrare a acestora in sistemul informatic (MMDC) existent, testare si punere in functiune, implicand totodata toate lucrarile aferente de santier, precum si servicii de instruire a personalului, servicii de garantie si asistenta tehnica. In cadrul acestui contract, Intrarom a cooperat cu success cu doi subcontractori: ADD Grup Moldova si ADREM Invest.

Ca rezultat, noul sistem de masurare inteligenta a energiei va furniza mai multe informatii decat un contor conventional, asigurand o comunicatie bidirectionala intre contorul electronic inteligent si subsistemul de gestionare a datelor masurate. Prin intermediul sistemului, se va asigura citirea, conectarea si deconectarea la distanta a contoarelor, sporindu-se astfel confortul utilizatorului final.

Proiectul intitulat "Sistem de masurare si transmitere a datelor de la contoare, format din contoare inteligente monofazate sau trifazate si concentratoare de date" este al doilea proiect pe care ADD Grup si Intrarom il implementeaza la DEO. Primul a fost desfasurat in 2017 si a servit drept ''proof of concept'' pentru DEO pentru a intelege tehnologia si a alege directia corecta in strategia de contorizare inteligenta. Rezultatele proiectului reprezinta o dovada excelenta a faptului ca deciziile au fost corecte si bine gandite.

Georgios Roussos, Director General Intrarom: "Suntem incantati de increderea acordata de catre CEZ Romania de a alege, dezvolta si implementa o solutie pilot de contorizare inteligenta furnizata de Intrarom, in linie cu strategia sa de dezvoltare adoptand tehnologiile cele mai avansate pentru retelele electrice. Proiectul a fost realizat cu succes, demonstrand capacitatea echipei Intrarom de a implementa proiecte smart dedicate companiilor din industria energiei si utilitatilor, o ramura de importanta critica a economiei romanesti, aflata in plina modernizare si expansiune, ajutandu-i astfel sa se diferentieze pe noua piata liberalizata a energiei."

- Sfarsit -

About Intrarom

Intrarom, a subsidiary of Intracom Telecom, has constantly consolidated its position as major vendor on the Romanian Telecommunications Market. The company employs 370 professionals on an industrial area of 33,000 sq.m. Sustained by a solid infrastructure of a 24 million euros investment, Intrarom's experience covers the following lines of business: turn-key solutions for telcos, integrated IT&C solutions for Public Sector, tailor-made applications for enterprise, utilities and banking sector, multi-vendor support and field maintenance, and telecommunication systems manufacturing. For more information, please visit

About Distributie Energie Oltenia S.A. (DEO)

DEO is a part of CEZ Group and operates on Romanian market since 2005 supplying electricity to 1.449.939 clients in 7 districts from Oltenia region. Company mission to provide electricity distribution in conditions of security and safety of electrical installations and to assure the required power quality at the same time reducing the maintenance and network repairs costs.

Media Contacts:

Magda Mischie, Intrarom

+ +40720072280

Press Release

Intrarom Successfully Completed a Smart Metering Project for Distributie Energie Oltenia S.A. (DEO) in Romania

Bucharest, Romania - 8 September 2020 - Intrarom, the Romanian subsidiary of Intracom Telecom Group, announced the completion of a Smart Metering project for Distributie Energie Oltenia S.A. (DEO), an electricity operator, part of CEZ Group in Romania, with presence in seven counties in the Oltenia region. More specifically, the company supplied, installed and put into operation a subsystem that measures and transmits data from smart and mono-phase meters (SMTs), and data concentrators. For this project, Intrarom successfully cooperated with two subcontractors: ADD GRUP and ADREM Invest.

The project was fully aligned with CEZ's Group goal to modernize the electricity measurement system, which involved the replacement of consumers' electricity meters with smart ones that will be included in a smart metering system.

Through this project 10.000 smart meters, filters and data concentrators were provided, as well as installation, configuration and integration services in the existing information system (MMDC). Moreover, there was extensive testing & commissioning, including all the civil works site related, personnel training services, and warranty & support services.

The new smart energy measurement system was able to provide more data than a conventional meter, offering an effective two-way communication between the smart meter and the measured data management subsystem. Meter reading, connection and disconnection were achieved from a distance, increasing thus the comfort of the consumer.

The project entitled ''System for measuring and transmitting data from meters, consisting of mono / three-phase smart meters and data concentrators" is the second project that ADD GRUP and Intrarom delivered to Distributie Energie Oltenia. The first one was deployed back in 2017 and served as proof of concept for DEO to grasp the technology and choose an efficient smart metering strategy. Results of the project are an excellent evidence of the fact that decisions were correct and well-thought.

Georgios Roussos, CEO of Intrarom, stated: "We are delighted that CEZ Romania entrusted Intrarom for the development and implementation of a smart metering solution, as this projects, also, fits ideally with the company's development strategy in adopting the most advanced technologies for electrical networks. Its successful completion reaffirms Intrarom's capacity to implement smart projects dedicated to energy and utilities companies - a business-critical sector of the Romanian economy that is in full growth and modernization - helping them to differentiate themselves in the new liberalized market."

- End -

About Intrarom

Intrarom, a subsidiary of Intracom Telecom, has constantly consolidated its position as major vendor on the Romanian Telecommunications Market. The company employs 370 professionals on an industrial area of 33,000 sq.m. Sustained by a solid infrastructure of a 24 million euros investment, Intrarom's experience covers the following lines of business: turn-key solutions for telcos, integrated IT&C solutions for Public Sector, tailor-made applications for enterprise, utilities and banking sector, multi-vendor support and field maintenance, and telecommunication systems manufacturing. For more information, please visit

About Distributie Energie Oltenia S.A. (DEO)

DEO is a part of CEZ Group and operates on Romanian market since 2005 supplying electricity to 1.449.939 clients in 7 districts from Oltenia region. Company mission to provide electricity distribution in conditions of security and safety of electrical installations and to assure the required power quality at the same time reducing the maintenance and network repairs costs.

Media Contacts:

Magda Mischie, Intrarom

+ +40720072280

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